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Art. 1 (Denomination) - An Association for the tourist and cultural promotion, as well as for the social promotion called "Associazione PRO LOCO di Serino", hereinafter called "Associazione PRO LOCO" or "Pro Loco" is established.
Art. 2 (Headquarters) - The Pro Loco Association has its legal and administrative headquarters in the Municipality of Naples at via Centro Direzionale, Via G. Porzio n. 4 scale C, is. G1, floor 4, but it can be transferred to another place by the Board of Directors.
Art. 3 (Duration) - The duration of the Pro Loco Association is unlimited.
Art. 4 (Corporate purpose) - The Association - which is autonomous, non-partisan and non-profit - has as its corporate purpose:
a) the protection, promotion and enhancement of popular traditions and resources of artistic and historical interest present in the area, including the creation and / or management of libraries and museums;
b) the protection and enhancement of nature, the environment and the territory;
c) the promotion and implementation of professional training courses;
d) assistance to workers, tourists, emigrants and immigrants;
e) supervision of the tourist product;
f) the carrying out of activities of social utility and solidarity both towards associates and towards third parties, aimed at knowledge and cultural exchanges.
It can adhere, by resolution of the Board of Directors, to other associations and / or bodies with similar and / or similar purposes.
The Pro Loco Association aims, also through the use of telematic systems and the use of the Internet, to create and improve the conditions for the development of tourist and cultural activities, contributing to the best technological qualification and the expansion of relationships. economic, cultural and social. The Pro Loco Association also works in favor of its members:
Art. 5 (Scope) - The Association carries out its activities within the territory of the Municipality of Naples and fulfills the functions possibly delegated by the Campania Region, the Provincial Administration of Naples, the Municipality of Naples and the Provincial Authority for tourism, also through the establishment of tourist information and reception offices (IAT).
To achieve its goals, the Pro Loco Association can:
a) prepare socio-economic development programs;
b) organize, on its own or on behalf of the Municipality and other public and private bodies, parties, shows, conferences and cultural events;
c) manage hostels, tourist, gastronomic and receptive structures;
d) to promote initiatives aimed at researching and disseminating popular traditions;
e) promote missions and study and work visits of operators and technicians in Italy and in the world;
f) organize, also through the use of telematic and virtual systems (Internet and others), exhibitions, fairs and exhibitions for the diffusion of local products in the world;
g) place its structure and experience at the service of public and private entities;
h) carry out editorial activities and any relevant and pertinent activities, by means of publications of any kind and the distribution also by correspondence of books, newspapers, magazines, publications in general and related and affine material;
i) carry out advertising and promotional campaigns in favor of oneself and of its members, as well as public relations, qualitative and quantitative market research, including communication strategies and tools to create, modify and / or improve an image ;
j) undertake assignments for the preparation and implementation of advertising campaigns, conferences, demonstrations and any other activity aimed at divulging any kind of tourist, commercial, industrial and editorial initiative in favor of its own members;
k) promote and manage professional training courses with particular reference to integrated planning;
l) promote cultural and scientific exchanges in Italy and abroad;
m) carry out commercial activities, in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 460/97, possibly adapting the relative fiscal accounting to the rules in force;
n) join trade organizations and others with similar purposes and which promote culture and tourism in Italy and abroad, as well as naturalistic and environmental associations;
o) exercise tourist, hospitality and social tourism activities in favor of its members, pursuant to art. 10 of the law 17 May 1983 n. 217, and in implementation of directive no. 90/314 / EEC, organizing "all inclusive" trips, holidays and circuits for its members pursuant to Legislative Decree 17 March 1995 n. 111, as well as pursuant to paragraph 3 of art. 111 of the Consolidated Law on Income Taxes, approved by decree of the President of the Republic 22 December 1986 n. 917 and modified by art. 5 of the Dlg. 460/97;
p) take on assignments from public and private bodies for the management of cultural, architectural, environmental, etc.
q) to promote the internal and international tourist movement, and in particular that of a social, cultural, educational, sporting and recreational nature, by participating in exhibitions and fairs in Italy and abroad;
r) develop youth tourism, also promoting recreational and educational travel;
s) encourage the establishment of holiday centers, campsites, colonies, etc. that practice conditions accessible to less well-off categories;
t) provide for and participate in general and particular studies on social tourism;
u) undertake and support any useful initiative for the implementation of tourist activities, both in Italy and abroad, for the use of citizens' free time, with particular regard to annual holidays;
v) promote and increase, with specific forms, the savings organized for holidays and tourism for its members, also through the formation of credit and the issue of cards to enjoy their own benefits and those offered by other associations and similar organizations;
w) to favor tourist trips to Italy by foreigners and compatriots residing abroad, also in order to increase and support "return tourism";
x) stipulate contracts, conventions, represent associates, designate representatives and delegates to public and private entities, institutes and bodies;
y) provide assistance to workers, tourists, emigrants and immigrants.
Art. 6 (Corporate bodies) - The bodies of the Pro Loco Association are:
a) the Shareholders' Meeting;
b) the Board of Directors;
c) the President;
d) the Board of Auditors;
e) the Board of Arbitrators.
Art. 7 (Members) - Members are Founders - Ordinary - Supporters and Honoraries:
A. Founding Members are those who initially established the Pro Loco Association with a public act;
B. Ordinary Members are those who request it and are up to date with the payment of the membership fee: membership is understood to be carried out for the year in which it is requested, with expiry on 31 December;
C. Supporting Members are public and private organizations and individual citizens who share the aims and purposes of the Pro Loco, and contribute to its functioning with voluntary contributions.
These members do not assume obligations towards the association and do not have the right to vote.
D. Other associations or public and / or private bodies that share its aims can also join the Pro Loco Association;
E. The Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, has the right to appoint Honorary Members who can give prestige to the Association for their experience and / or prestige. The Founding Members, the former Presidents and the members of the Board of Directors not re-elected are automatically considered to all intents and purposes "Honorary Members of the Pro Loco".
They are not obliged to pay the membership fee and can participate in the meetings of the Assembly, without the right to vote.
Art. 8 (Loss of rights) - The status of Members is lost:
- for resignations, which however do not exempt the Member from the commitments undertaken for the entire current year;
- for expulsion, upon decision of the Board of Directors, after hearing the opinion of the Arbitrators, for serious reasons, such as failure to comply with the resolutions of the Statutory Bodies; for violation of the rules of this Statute and actions causing moral and / or material damage to the Association;
- for default, in case of non-payment of the membership fee;
Art. 9 (Withdrawal) - Members can withdraw in the cases provided for by law. The declaration of withdrawal must be addressed, by registered letter, to the Board of Directors, with a notice period of at least three months.
Art. 10 (The Assembly) - The Assembly is made up of Ordinary Members in good standing with the payment of the membership fee.
The regularly constituted Assembly represents the universality of the Members and its resolutions, taken in compliance with the law and the Statute, commit the same Members.
The Assembly has the task of giving general directives for the achievement of corporate purposes.
Art. 11 - (Convocation of the Assembly, Constitution, validity and execution) - The ordinary Assembly is convened by the President at least twice a year:
1) by 31 March for the approval of the final balance of the previous year;
2) by October 30 for the approval of the budget for the following year. Within the next 10 days, the approved budgets - final balance and budget - must be sent to the EPT in Naples.
For the meetings of the Assembly, the letter of convocation to the shareholders, with the indication of the Agenda, must be posted in the registered office at least 15 days before the fixed date.
Said notice must be sent to the Mayor of the Municipality of Naples for posting on the Praetorian Register, to the Provincial Tourist Board of Naples - which can send its own representative - and to the domicile of ordinary Members by post or telegram or to by fax.
In case of urgency, the notice must be posted in the office at least 7 (seven) days before.
The Assembly must also be called when 2/3 (two thirds) of the Ordinary members make an explicit request. In case of impediment of the President, the convocation can be made by the Vice President.
The notice must indicate the date, place and time of the first and second call, which must be made at least 4 (four) hours after the first.
The Founding Members, the members of the Board of Directors, the Ordinary Members in good standing with the payments participate by right in the Assembly.
The member associations are represented by their respective presidents or their delegates.
The ordinary Assembly is validly constituted in 1st call, when half plus one of the Members are present; in II call with any number of shareholders attending.
Resolutions are approved with the majority of votes cast by half plus one of those present.
The Assembly is chaired by the President of the Association or, in case of impediment, by the Vice President. The Secretary, appointed at the beginning of the work by the Assembly, draws up the minutes of the session and signs it together with the President.
The Extraordinary Assembly is validly convened with the same modalities that regulate the convocation of the ordinary one.
Supporting Members can participate in the work of the Assembly, without the right to vote.
Art. 12 (Duties of the Assembly) - It is the duty of the ordinary Assembly:
a) elect the members of the Board of Directors;
b) establish general guidelines for the implementation of the Association's purposes;
c) deliberate on the annual reports and budgets presented by the Board of Directors;
d) determine the extent and methods of collecting the membership fee;
e) approve the program of activities prepared by the Board of Directors;
f) deliberate on any other matter submitted to it by the Board of Directors and the President.
It is the duty of the Extraordinary Assembly:
a) deliberate, upon proposal of the Board of Directors, on changes to the Statute;
b) deliberate on the dissolution of the Association.
Art. 13 (Admission fee and membership fee) - Those who ask to join the Association must pay the admission fee, if any, and the membership fee established by the Assembly.
For public and private organizations and for any special cases, the Board of Directors will establish the annual fee to be paid from time to time.
Members will be able to participate in trips, trips, excursions and all the initiatives promoted by the Association, by paying the relative participation fee.
Art. 14 (Obligation of the Members) - The Ordinary Members are obliged to pay the membership fee and to comply with the Constitutive Act, the Statute, the internal Regulations and the resolutions adopted by the bodies of the Association.
Honorary Members and Supporting Members are exempt from the obligation to pay the membership fee.
Art. 15 (Board of Directors) - The management of the Association is entrusted to a Board of Directors composed of seven to nine members elected by the assembly, chosen from among the ordinary members. The Board of Directors remains in office for five years, and its members can be re-elected.
Art. 16 (Powers of the Governing Council) - The Governing Council elects the President, the Vice President and the Treasurer from among its members; elects and appoints the Secretary who can also be an employee or an external non-shareholder.
The Board of Directors is convened by the President or the Vice President in accordance with art. 11 paragraph 3 of this statute.
The ordinary call is made by registered mail or by letter notified at least 5 days before the meeting; the urgent one with a telegram to be sent at least forty-eight hours before.
For the meeting to be valid, at least half of the members plus one must be present.
The Council decides by majority and in the event of a tie, the vote of the chairman prevails.
The Board, which is a deliberative body, provides:
1) the formulation of the budget and the related action program;
2) the drafting of final accounts and reports on the activity carried out;
3) study local problems;
4) examines and deliberates on the proposals formulated for the solution of the problems themselves;
5) hires any employees of the Association, determining their attributions and checks;
6) deliberates on active and passive disputes; 7) provides for all the duties of the Pro Loco, without any limitation.
The Council, therefore, is invested with the widest powers for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association and has the right to carry out all acts deemed useful and appropriate for the achievement of the corporate purposes, excluding those reserved to the Assembly; examines the requests for membership of new shareholders with final judgment; prepares the Regulations and anything else necessary.
The Board of Directors can invite experts, technicians, organizers and individuals to the meetings to obtain opinions and advice on issues affecting the Association's activities.
Art. 17 (The President) - The President is elected by the Board of Directors from among its members; represents the Association legally and ensures its correct functioning and management. In case of absence or impediment, the Vice President exercises his functions.
The President convenes and chairs the Assembly and the Board of Directors and provides for the execution of the respective resolutions.
It is also the responsibility of the President:
a) represent the Association in court and before third parties;
b) stipulate conventions and establish agreements approved by the Board of Directors;
c) sign, commit, collect, receipt in the name and on behalf of the Association;
d) take, in case of urgency, all the necessary measures, with the obligation of approval by the Board of Directors;
e) hiring and firing personnel based on a compliant resolution of the Board of Directors;
f) propose to the Board of Directors the reduction of the membership fee in the case of cumulative memberships or grant any free memberships.
Art. 18 (The Vice President) - The Vice President is elected by the Board of Directors from among himself and exercises the powers possibly delegated by the President and those necessary in case of his absence or impediment.
Art. 19 (The Secretary) - The Secretary can be a person outside the Board; takes care of the implementation of the resolutions of the same and of the Assembly; has the task of providing for the administrative management of the Association and supervises the functionality of the offices and staff. His mandate, which is renewed with that of the Board of Directors, can be reconfirmed.
Art. 20 (The Treasurer) - The Treasurer is elected by the Board of Directors from among its members and provides for the administration of the assets and management of the funds of the Association on the basis of the resolutions taken by the Board of Directors, exercising the necessary administrative controls.
The Treasurer draws up the final balance and prepares the budget according to the guidelines of the Board of Directors.
Furthermore, he is responsible for keeping the accounts and carries out, with joint signature with that of the President, all administrative and financial operations at banks and institutions.
The functions of Treasurer can be delegated to the Vice President.
Art. 21 (Board of Auditors) - The Board of Auditors is appointed by the Assembly and is made up of three members.
The Board of Auditors, which is renewed with the Board of Directors, appoints the President from among effective members.
The Auditors have the task of examining the social accounting periodically and occasionally, at any time.
Art. 22 (Board of Arbiters) - The Board of Arbiters is appointed by the Assembly and is made up of three members.
It, which is renewed with the Board of Directors, appoints the President from among the effective members.
The Board of Arbitrators has the task of resolving any dispute between the bodies of the Association and the Members, with particular regard to compliance with the purposes and the rules contained in this Statute.
The decisions of the Board are final.
Art. 23 (Indemnity and Reimbursement of expenses) - All corporate offices are held free of charge. The members of the Board of Directors and the Members will be reimbursed for the expenses incurred on behalf of the Association, if expressly appointed.
Art. 24 (Common Fund) - The donations, the contributions of the members and the assets acquired with the contributions of the members constitute the common fund of the Association.
The individual associates cannot ask for the division of the common fund, nor claim the share in case of withdrawal.
Art. 25 (Heritage) - The Association has its own autonomous management.
The assets consist of:
a) from the assets owned by the Association;
b) from the contributions of the members;
c) from the proceeds of events, accessory management and, in any case, from activities promoted by the Association;
d) bequests, donations, contributions, donations, and donations from public and private bodies and institutes.
In the event of dissolution of the Association, for any reason, the patrimony will be devolved to another association having a similar purpose or for purposes of public utility, unless otherwise required by law.
Art. 26 (Liability towards third parties) - For the obligations assumed by the President, who represents the Association, third parties can assert their rights only on the common fund. The members and councilors are personally and solidly liable for the obligations assumed in the name and on behalf of the Association.
Art. 27 (Budget obligation) - The Association has the obligation to prepare the final balance of the activities carried out and the budget to be submitted, both, to the approval of the Members' Assembly within the first quarter of the year following the reference year.
The financial year runs from January 1st to December 31st of each year.
Art. 28 (Resignation) - In case of resignation of the President, the Board of Directors elects the new President in the manner provided for by art. 16 paragraph 1 or in the event of the resignation of at least two thirds of the Board of Directors, the same lapses.
The oldest Councilor in age calls the Assembly in the following 30 days to re-elect the bodies.
Art. 29 (Causes of dissolution) - The Association dissolves:
a) due to the impossibility of achieving the corporate purpose;
b) by resolution of the Assembly taken with the favorable vote of 2/3 (two thirds) of the members;
c) in cases permitted by law;
Art. 30 (General rules) - The Pro Loco is a cultural, tourist and social promotion association and, for what is not foreseen, is understood to be established in accordance with the following laws:
- Regional Law 9 November 1974 n. 61;
- Legislative Decree no. 460 of 4 December 1997;
- Law n. 383 of 7 December 2000;
- Tourism reform law n. 135 of 29 March 2001.
As regards, in particular, the law n. 383/2000 on the discipline of social promotion associations, it is further specified that:
a) the name of the Association is "Pro Loco di Napoli Association";
b) the corporate purpose is that reported in art. 4 of this Statute;
c) the Association is not for profit;
d) there is a prohibition on the distribution between members of administrative surpluses and the obligation to reuse them for subsequent institutional activities;
e) respect for internal democracy is also in force;
f) are set out in art. 7 of this Statute the criteria for the admission and exclusion of members;
g) the obligation of financial statements is envisaged in art. 27 of this Statute;
h) the procedures for the dissolution of the Association are reported in art. 29, with the obligation, in the event of dissolution, to devolve the residual assets for purposes of social utility.
The Association enjoys all the advantages deriving from conventions, agreements and anything else stipulated by the other bodies to which it can join and the Members will enjoy the related benefits.
The Pro Loco, pursuant to the aforementioned regional law n. 61/74, asks to be registered in the Register or, alternatively, in the Regional Registry of Pro Loco Associations and undertakes to transmit to the Provincial Tourism Authority of Naples, for ratification, the resolutions relating to the appointment of the President, members of the Board of Directors, Auditors and Arbitrators.
In addition, the Association's budgets and final accounts will be sent annually to the same Body, as well as the programs of events for appropriate coordination.
For anything not foreseen, reference is made to the current regulations on the subject

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